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HELP! How do I get started?

Many enquiries that we get every day ask us this exact question. How does it all work? Is it like school, can we enrol, how do we enrol, what about exams and accreditation?

Step 1: Don't panic

Step 2: read on and get in touch and it will all make sense soon.

How does online school work?

Online School is essentially like face-to-face school, but better! A large number of our students cannot access mainstream school, due to being abroad, travelling or unfortunately more often due to bullying, anxiety, mental health, autism or many more reasons.

In online school, you get a timetable for Zoom live lessons and access to our platform where you will find your homework and material. That's the part that is like school.

What is different is that you don't need to select as many subjects as in school, you can select anything you like, whether it is just one subject or a full-time timetable of 8-9 subjects. We recommend at least maths and English, but nothing is compulsory. If you have a private tutor for a subject or prefer to self-study, you don't need to select it.

Additionally, if you need a day off to travel, take a break or maybe a mental health day, you can do this without any issues. We do not issue fines. You can later just watch the recordings of the lessons to catch up on anything you may have missed.

Can I apply and how?

Anyone can apply and join us. Step one is to send us an email or book a Zoom meeting, which is entirely free. During the Zoom meeting we answer all your questions and discuss your situation, what subjects/year group and teachers may suit your child. You can then start with a free 7-day trial as soon as same or next day or at a date that suits you. If you like it, after the 7-day trial, you can fill out the enrolment form and continue without interruption or select a different start date. We will talk you through all the steps.

Also check out our other articles which address socialising in online schools, payment plans and exams.


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